Gain traction, and hit the races.
Every journey starts with a spark. Perhaps you're launching a venture, elevating a passion, or unveiling a creative masterpiece to the world. Your story is your power in the digital realm, and at Dragon Archers, we help you wield it effectively.
Dragon Archers will help you gain the initial traction in the blockchain space and steer your authentic voyage. Amidst the crowded digital expanse, your distinctive story will carve your niche.
Build your company by planning ahead.
$5,000 - per month
Starting slow and methodical?
No worries. Making sure you’re setup correctly can save you a lot of time down the road and illustrates your company’s professionalism.
At Dragon Archers, we’re experienced from starting up to being acquired.
Up to five hours per week of strategic consulting
Strategy & Implementation
$20,000 - per month
Taking care of your company’s strategy is a large undertaking, and it should be part of your good corporate hygiene practices.
As experienced operators, we not only give you the tools to succeed, we help you implement them.
Up to twenty hours per week
Real-time communication via slack and other apps for instant advice
Leading team strategy meetings
Team Augmentation
$10,000 - per month
Sometimes, you need all the help you can get.
Dragon Archers provides team augmentation services to help you in those most important time when building your company. Preparing for a launch or is there a nearing inflection point in your company? We’re here to help.
Up to ten hours per week
Real-time communication via slack and other apps for instant advice